Voice Crystal - Blank RAM Cards
We offer BLANK RAM cards for the following units:
Korg (MCR-03 type) Model VCXM1
$99.95 $85.00
In Stock
M1 & M3R.
Wavestation (all versions SR/AD/EX).
A Series
Also Waldorf Microwave
Korg (256K SRC-256 type) Model VCX03R/W $89.00
(Limited Stock On-Hand)
O3R & O3R/W, I2, I3 series.
O1W, 01WFD, 01WFD-Pro, X2, X3, X3R, Prophecy.
The Korg (256k) card will hold one 'C' bank only (no sequences) for these units.
The standard full c/d bank 512k SRC-512 type card is no longer available.
Roland M-256D or M-256E refer to Roland M-512E
The Roland M-256E (or D) type RAM card is no longer being manufactured
by the OEM for Roland or Voice Crystal, but, the M-512E
type RAM cards (below) are here in stock now and will function perfectly in its place for all
the following equipment;
JD-800, JD-990, JV-80, JV-880, D-70, D-50, D-10, D-110, D-20, D-5, D-550,
R-8, and any other unit calling for the M-128D, M-256D or M-256E RAM format.
It also works in all PEAVEY synthesizers, Tube-EFX Amplifiers etc., RODGERS for 835 & 905 Organs (alternative for Rodgers Personal Memory Card) and AKAI VX600 Synths (alternative for Akai BR-16 / BR-32 cards)
Roland M-512E (Our model number VCX512) 64KB BLANK RAM Card $128.95 List $114.95
For units requiring the Roland M-128D, M-256E, M-256D, M-512E or M-512G RAM card:
A-Series, JV-Series (Super JV1080), R-Series, GR-Series, VG-8 & Roland V-Drums TD-10.
Also works in any equipment requiring the (M-256E) card listed above.
TWO or MORE Roland M-512E RAM Cards for Roland products $110 ea.
Akai VX600 Synthesizer (replaces BR-16 / BR-32 cards)
Choose the Roland M-512E Card [Our model VCX512] above.
Peavey All equipment, synthesizers, Tube EFX, etc..
Choose the Roland M-512E Card [Our model VCX512] above.
Rodgers 905 Organ
Choose the Roland M-512E Card [Our model VCX512] above.
Alesis (256K PCMCIA)
$128.95 $119.95
4 Bank RAM card for the Alesis Quadrasynth, QS6, QS7 & QS8.
For the KT Series, MR Series & EPrime (256K PCMCIA)
$128.95 $119.95
For the Ensoniq SQ-1, SQ-2 , KS-32 choose from our 160 Voice RAM Cards
which come with W/80 Voices/80 blank $109.95.
Sorry, at this time we have no more RAM cartridges for the ESQ-1,
ESQ-M, VFX or SD-1.
$128.95 $84.95 to $94.95
For Kawai K1 DC-8 type $84.95
For Kawai K1, K4 and XD-5 DC-16 type $94.95
For Kawai GB-2 Session Trainer, K1, K4 and XD-5 DC-32 type $104.95
E-mu (256K PCMCIA)
$128.95 $119.95
For the E-mu Ultra Proteus & Morpheus.
Lexicon (256K PCMCIA)
$128.95 $119.95
For PCM-80/81 series Effects Systems